Wednesday 26 September 2018

Spotting Errors SSC Chapter Wise Practice

Common Errors Questions SSC 1997 - Till date

Common Errors

Spotting Errors Question Practice

Directions: In the following questions some of the sentences have errors and some have none.
Find out which part of a sentence has
an error. The number of that part is
your answer. If there is No error, the
answer is (4), i.e., No error.

  • You must either (1)/ be regular with your studies (2)/ and study for longer period before the examination. (3)/ No error (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'or' instead of 'and'.

  • The new taxation rates (1)/ announced by the government (2)/ are bound to effect the export sector. (3)/ No error (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'is' instead of 'are'.

  • These days, job opportunities are not as better (1)/ as they used to be (2)/ in the early 70's. (3)/ No error (4)

  • Ans. (1) Use 'good' instead of 'better'.

  • When viewed with his point of view, the (1) / entire episode assumes (2)/ a different colour altogether. (3)/ No error (4)

  • Ans. (1) Use 'from' instead of 'with'.

  • On many occasions (1)/ we did helped the poor (2)/ people by way of giving them food to eat and clothes to put on. (3)/ No error (4)

  • Ans. (2) Use 'did help' or 'helped' instead of 'did helped'.

  • Unless it is accepted to both the parties, an (1)/ arbitrator would be of no (2)/ use to settle this dispute. (3)/ No error (4)

  • Ans.(2)  Use 'will' instead of 'would'.

  • Although the manager was keen on getting the work (1)/ done through Sudhir yesterday, (2)/ he tries to avoid it (3)/ No error (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'tried' instead of 'tries'.

  • The various consequences of(1)/ the decision taken by the (2)/ finance ministry was not foreseen by the bureaucrats. (3)/ No error (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'were' instead of 'was'.

  • Having finished at school (1)/ Raghu thought/ of going to Bombay in (2)/ search some job. (3)/ No error (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'of' after 'search'.

  • When shall we (1)/ arrive (2)/ to our destination ? (3)/ No error. (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'at' instead of 'to'.

  • Based on the newspaper reports, (1)/ we can conclude that (2)/ many accidents caused by reckless driving. (3)/ No error. (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'are' before 'caused'.

  • The officer (1)/ is angry on the clerk (2)/ for not attending to the work. (3)/ No error. (4)

  • Ans. (2) Use 'with' instead of 'on'.

  • No sooner (1)/ I had spoken, (2) than he left. (3)/ No error. (4)

  • Ans. (2) Use 'had I' instead of 'I had'.

  • You will be prosecuted (1)/ for bringing seeds (2)/ into Australia. (3)/ No error. (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'in' instead of 'into'.

  • You must either tell me (1)/ the whole story or, at least (2)/ the first half of it. (3)/ No error. (4)

  • Ans. (1) Use 'either' after 'tell me'.

  • Our new neighbours (1)/ had been living in Arizona (2)/ since ten years before moving to their present house. (3)/ No error. (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'for' instead of 'since'.

  • The patient (1)/ was accompanied (2)/ with his friend. (3)/ No error. (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'by' instead of 'with'.

  •  A city dweller finds it difficult (1)/ to pass away the time (2)/ in a village. (3)/ No error. (4)

  • Ans. (2) Remove 'away'

  • The fifth and final act (1)/ of Macbeth contain (2)/ the sleepwalking scene. (3)/ No error. (4)

  • Ans. (2) Use 'contains' instead of 'contain'.

  • One of the terrorists (1)/ of the Kashmir valley (2)/ are shot dead. (3)/ No error (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'is'instead of 'are'.

  • Tea (1)/which I am drinking (2)/ is hot (3). /No error (4)

  • Ans. (1) Use 'The' before 'tea'.

  • We were looking forward (1)/ to hear the news (2)/about the missing fishermen (3)./ No error (4)

  • Ans. (2) Use 'hearing' instead of 'hear'.

  • I know (1)/a doctor (2)/you are referring to (3)./No error (4)

  • Ans. (2) Use 'the' instead of 'a'.

  • The introduction of job-oriented courses (1)/in the self-financing colleges (2)/ attract many students (3)./ No error (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'attracts' instead of 'attract'.

  • It is better (1)/to keep one’s head in the face of danger than (2)/losing one’s courage (3). /No error (4)

  • Ans. (3) Use 'to lose' instead of 'losing'.

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